Important News

Salemtowne Civic Association

At the June 1, 2023, Board Meeting there was considerable discussion regarding the Landscaping and Architecture (LARC) guidelines. These guidelines are reviewed with all new homeowners upon moving into Salemtowne and all new residents sign that they understand and are willing to remain within these guidelines. Many, if not all, folks who have moved to Salemtowne, an HOA for those aged 55 and older, are attracted by the lovely homes and the maintenance of these homes … as well as the maintenance of the beautiful common grounds.

In the past many months, the LARC Committee, hardworking volunteers, have been getting considerable ‘push back’ from a few residents about the need to comply with the guidelines that these same residents have signed an agreement to abide by. This is disheartening. Not only for our volunteers, but disheartening for the Board and for other in-compliance residents.

The push back often is in the form of, “You (the Board) can’t enforce these by-laws so I’ll do as I please.” What about the signed agreement? Do reasonable and seasoned adults really have to be forced/enforced to comply with what they signed an agreement to abide by? For by far the majority the answer is, “Of course not.”

For the dissenting few, the Community’s answer is, “Yes, the by-laws regarding the Community’s agreed upon landscaping and architecture guidelines can be enforced and will be enforced.”