Important News

Salemtowne Civic Association


The Results Are In – Thank You Salemtowne!

In pulling together the volume of information, opinion, ideas, and conclusions, I’m challenged to decide where to begin.  

Survey by the numbers:

  • 20% (92)of our households completed the Dog Survey which in the world of Surveys of this nature is an outstanding response.  It is also a good indicator of the concern throughout the community.  Of those responding, 9 agreed to serve on an Ad Hoc committee to form some conclusions.  
  • 81 responses said they were walkers in Salemtowne, while 15 responded with a “no”.
  • Only 28 of the responders said they owned a dog while the remainder either did not or have in the past.

Who should clean up the dog’s business?

  •  85 of the responses stated “dog owners need to be responsible for all the dog poop issues. Many pointed out that dog feces is stinky and unhealthy.

Do we want a Dog Park? If so, where would it be?

  • In regard to a Dog Park in Salemtown, 26 said Yes and and 48 said No or Maybe.
  • Both Owners and Non Owners felt a Salemtowne Dog Park would be an added value to our community.  
  • 56 indicated where they would like to see one, but also identified problems.
  • 12 of those individuals thought the “old dump site” in the Storage lot would be a good place.
  • 23 other suggestions included: End of Twin Oaks, Next to Fairway #7, Area at the end of #9, Area next to the Greenhouse, Turn a Greenway into a Dog Park and use some of the Towne Hall parking lot.
  • 21 ideas  included some version of: Anywhere but Salemtowne, Not in my yard and In the Owner’s own yard. 


The Ad Hoc committee addressed pro’s and con’s of each of these areas.

  • Although each idea has validity, it leaves only the old dump site as a possibility.  Jason has been approached several times with several ideas for that area and he has advised us that it will be a few years before that area is restored enough to use for any purpose. 
  • The other factors to consider are the cost of establishing a dog park and the maintenance. If at some point an area is located for the park, then perhaps the Dog Owners might come together with a funding plan. Meanwhile, there are several Dog Parks nearby.


So what’s the answer?

  • The number of dog owners in our community is significant, and a large majority of those owners clean up after their dogs. For that we want to first say a very big thank you to the many who do take care to clean up after their dogs and control their behavior.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
  • It is only a few who offend but those few make a noticeable impact on the entire community.  That being said, let’s look at the expectation. All residents signed an agreement saying they would abide by the governing documents when they moved in and should have had them before they purchased their home. For those who may not recall here is a clarification to help:
    • Article V, Section C, No. 8  of the Salemtowne Rule and Regulations state that:
      • (d)  Pets must be kept on a leash or kept confined to the owner’s lot or in the unit. Owners must clean up after their pets.
      • (e)  Owners must not permit their pets to defecate or urinate on other members’ property.  Article III, Section E, (e) The  Fine for violation of the above is up to $50. Per violation. 

The Ad Hoc committee recognizes that everyone  in Salemtowne who is concerned must be willing to call the offenders to task by reporting their behavior – date, time, location and offender,  preferably with a photo – to the Office. We will ask the Board to send out an appropriate letter advising the offender. A second offense will generate a $50.00 fine. 

There is no provision for an “Off-Leash” area anywhere in Salemtowne, including the RV/Storage area. Although not in the written rule, it is also not acceptable for pets to ‘explore’ private property along their walk. All owners should attempt to control their furry companions on their retractable leashes.   Tracking feces into the home from an errant step or cleaning up the garage from poop on tires is frustrating. Digging into dog (or cat) poop while working in the garden is a hot issue. 

What about establishing a Dog (or Pet) Club?  

A group of pet owners to advocate for their furry companions. Some suggestions are: “Doggie Bag & Receptacle stations” throughout the area. A station at the end of each Greenway might be helpful.  They might establish a Registration Fee to pay for the bags and establish a plan for maintaining them.  A Dog/Pet Club might do some fun things as well to engage the community such as a dog show or agility performance.  They might engage a Trainer to help train dogs.  Some of the errant dogs are at the mercy of owners who don’t believe their dog can be trained in pooping and walking habits. This is wrong thinking. Registering Pets (dogs and cats) and taking a photo of the resident with their pet for the website was also suggested.  Another suggestion was to make a small ‘hand-out’ with “For Dog Walkers in Salemtowne” printed on one side and on the other print the applicable rules. Homeowners who are willing to help with the errant dog owner could hand them out when observing violators.


In summary, please clean up after your pup (including the Storage Lot) and restrain your pet from my yard! was a consistent response throughout the survey.